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Pitbull feat Kesha – Timber (piesa noua, versuri)

Pitbull a vrut o femeie sexy pe noul track: TIMBER, asa ca a ales-o pe Kesha pentru o colaborare country pe ritmuri dance!


Dr. Luke, Cirkut si Sermstyle au produs noul track lansat de Pitbull si Kesha. Acestia s-au lasat inspirati de succesul lui Avicii cu Wake me up si au creat acest mix intre country si dance ce ar putea fi noul trend muzical.

Kesha si Pitbull s-au aflat impreuna in turneu pe parcursul intregii veri in SUA si Canada iar la finalul lunii octombrie se muta in Australia. Vanzarile de bilete au mers destul de prost, mai ales ca nu au mers pe arene mari ci au ales teatre de vara si amfiteatre. Solutia pentru a promova acest duo si a reusi sa convinga publicul sa vina la showuri, si poate sa il extinda si in Europa, a fost o colaborare intre cele doua megastaruri.

Desi au avut o multime de hituri worldwide fiecare, nu au reusit sa atraga oamenii langa scena. Vor reusi cu TIMBER? PLAY!

Pitbull si-a incercat norocul in topuri in vara asta cu doua colaborari insa niciuna nu a ajuns atat de sus pe cat se astepta Mr.Worlwide – una cu FloRida pentru Can\’t believe it si una cu Jennifer Lopez pentru Live it up. In schimb, in playlisturile radio a ramas cu Feel this moment, featuring-ul cu Christina Aguilera.

Kesha a incercat sa starneasca o mie de controverse cu Crazy Kids alaturi de insa ceva nu a mers iar fanii sai s-au intors impotriva casei de discuri si a lui Dr.Luke, cel care o tine sub contract. 

Mai jos aveti versurile pentru Timber!

Hook (Intro) – KESHA
It’s going down, I’m yelling timber.
You better move you. You better dance.
Let’s make a night you won’t remember.
I’ll be the one you won’t forget.

Verse 1 – PITBULL
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
These big-iddy boys, are dig-gidy dogs.
I have em like miley cyrus, clothes off, twerkin in their bras and thongs. (timber)
Face down. booty up. (timber)
That’s the way we like to what (timber)
I’m slicker than an oil spill.
She’s say she won’t, but I bet she will.

Swing your partner round and round.
End of the night, it’s goin down.
One more shot, another round.
End of the night, it’s goin down.

Hook – KESHA
It’s going down, I’m yelling timber.
You better move you. You better dance.
Let’s make a night you won’t remember.
I’ll be the one you won’t forget.

Verse 2
Look up in the sky, it’s a bird it’s a plane.
Nah it’s just me aint a damn thing change
Live in hotels, swing on planes.
Blessed to say, money ain’t a thing.
Club jumpin like LeBron now. (Voli)
Order me another round. (Homie)
We about to clown. Why?
Cause it’s about to go down.

Swing your partner round and round.
End of the night, it’s goin down.
One more shot, another round.
End of the night, it’s goin down.

Hook – KESHA
It’s going down, I’m yelling timber.
You better move you. You better dance.
Let’s make a night you won’t remember.
I’ll be the one you won’t forget.

Ar putea fi un hit la fel de mare ca Avicii?

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