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Robin Thicke: eram beat si drogat in timpul inregistrarilor Blurred Lines

Procesul prin care Robin Thicke si Pharrell sunt acuzati de plagiat a inceput, insa declaratiile cantaretului R&B au facut deja furori si nici macar nu au legatura cu speta.


Se pare ca Robin Thicke a recunoscut ca o buna perioada de timp a fost sub influenta unor pastile si droguri, asa ca nici nu isi poate aminti cum au decurs inregistrarile pentru hitul care i-a relansat cariera si l-a adus la un grad de succes pe care nu l-a mai intalnit pana acum. Acum, Thicke, Pharrell si TI au intentat un proces prin care vor sa blocheze orice tentativa de a declara Blurred Lines un plagiat, plangerea venind din partea urmasilor lui Marvyn Gaye. Ei ii acuza pe compozitori ca s-ar fi inspirat foarte mult dintr-o piesa lansata de artist in 1977, Got to Give It Up.

Daca majoritatea discutiilor si procesului sunt invaluite in tacere si sunt confidentiale, o parte din marturiile lui Thicke in fata avocatilor au aparut pe net, iar ceea ce spune cantaretul nu e deloc de bine. Spre exemplu, cand unul dintre avocati i-a dat sa asculte lui thicke un mash-up intre cele doua piese, acesta nu a rectionat deloc placut:

It’s like..doesn\’t fit musically at all. Oh, it’s so hard to listen to it, major/minor clashing. Not the same key. Oh, that’s hard, I would think my band was tone deaf. Oh, you can\’t do that in music, it’s impossible. […]Mozart would be rolling in his grave right now. It’s like nails on a fucking chalkboard. This is [like] Stanley Kubrick’s movie Clockwork Orange. Where he has to sit there and watch.

Robin Thicke recunoaste ca nu e total sincer in interviuri si spune ceva ce oricum toata lumea din bransa stie: When I do, when I give interviews, I tell whatever I want to say to help sell records. Mai interesant e ca intr-un interviu pentru GQ, Robin Thicke a declarat ca el si Pharrell au compus impreuna piesa Blurred Lines, influentat fiind de Got to Give It Up.

Pharrell and I were in the studio and I told him that one of my favorite songs of all time was Marvin Gaye’s \’Got to Give It Up.\’ I was like, \’Damn, we should make something like that, something with that groove.\’ Then he started playing a little something and we literally wrote the song in about a half hour and recorded it.

Se pare insa ca adevarul e cu totul altul si inclusiv Pharrell confirma, mai mult sau mai putin, povestea lui Thicke.

I was jealous and I wanted some of the credit … I tried to take credit for it later because [Williams] wrote the whole thing pretty much by himself and I was envious of that This is what happens every day in our industry.

You know, people are made to look like they have much more authorship in the situation than they actually do. So that’s where the embellishment comes in, a declarat Pharrell Williams.

Pharrell a continuat si a adaugat ca in timpul in care a lucrat la piesa Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke nu se afla acolo:

When I work with a person, I think about three things, he says. I think about the energy that they\’re coming with, but this wasn\’t the case because [Thicke] wasn\’t there yet. But usually, I think about the energy and what they come in with, like what’s on their mind, you know, argument with a girlfriend, email with the husband, politics, state of the world. People walk in with vibes. They walk in with feelings. This was not one of those days.

In final aflam si de la Thicke de ce nu aera prezent la inregistrari:

I was high on vicodin and alcohol when I showed up at the studio. So my recollection is when we made the song, I thought I wanted — I — I wanted to be more involved than I actually was by the time, nine months later, it became a huge hit and I wanted credit. So I started kind of convincing myself that I was a little more part of it than I was and I — because I didn’t want him — I wanted some credit for this big hit. But the reality is, is that Pharrell had the beat and he wrote almost every single part of the song.

Evident, discutiile continua, iar marturisirile facute de ambii artisti ar putea fi doar fum in ochi si sa distraga atentia de la adevarata problema: e plagiat sau nu piesa Blurred Lines. De cealalta parte, urmasii lui Marvin Gaye considera ca au suficiente motive pentru a castiga cazul, mai ales faptul ca principalul responsabil, Thicke, a recunoscut ca nu a fost mereu sincer. Blurred Lines a fost unul dintre cele mai tari hituri ale lui 2013, a stat timp de cateva saptamani pe primul loc in Hot 100 si a ajuns inclusiv cea mai descarcata piesa a anului. 

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