Iggy Azalea: Nu conteaza daca am o cariera scurta!
Iggy Azalea apare in noul numar GQ alaturi de Pharrell, Future si Nas si are cateva cuvinte de spus despre hateri, cariera ei in muzica si ce face in timpul liber.
Rapperita australiana a starnit o multime de comentarii inca dinainte de a ajunge pe primul loc in Billboard. Intai a schimbat cateva replici dure pe Twitter si Azealia Banks, care la acel moment avea mai multa notorietate si o sansa mult mai mare sa ajunga sus in topuri dupa lansarea hitului 212. Intre timp, lucrurile au luat o alta intorsatura, iar Iggy Azalea a ajuns incet si sigur la varful clasamentelor muzicale. Single-ul Fancy a propulsat-o pe primul loc in Hot 100, unde a stat timp de mai multe saptamani, bifand si un record in Billboard cu aceasta ocazie. Evident, succesul ei a fost supus unor noi comentarii si controverse, multi acuzand ca o rapperita alba are mai multe sanse decat un artist de culoare care face acelasi gen de muzica.
Insa Iggy Azalea nu prea mai ia in seama toate aceste critici, mai ales cand e deja nominalizata la Premiile Grammy:
Awards season helps. Anytime where people get to choose who they want to have a voice and they choose me, I just think that makes it worth it. And that gives me the patience to just bite my tongue.“When people choose me as the person they think should be speaking for them, I think, ‘Well, I don’t really care what someone in the industry or another artist has to say about it. Your opinion is biased anyway, because you want people to listen to your voice. So having actual people who choose me, it makes me think, I have a place, and I don’t care what other people have to say about it.’ I was a fan of rap music growing up, and I didn’t feel like there were enough characters that represented me and my situation. So I think it’s needed.”
In plus, rapperita pare sa nu fie interesata de cat de lunga e cariera ei, ci mai ales de ceea ce lasa in urma. Daca va avea un parcurs scurt in industrie e multumita ca macar a reusit sa faca o schimbare, dar e fericita si daca la 35 de ani va fi pe scena intr-un body.
You never know how long you\’ll be in people’s good graces, especially in this business. So I hope it’s long—but I could be here for three or four years and then be out, like most artists. So it depends. I might be here for a long time. At the very worst, if I have a short-lived career, at least I could say I sparked a change—that I inspired some leniency in what people accept in hip-hop. And if I have a very long career and can be gyrating in a leotard at 35, that would be great.
Rapperita va pleca in curand intr-un turneu – The Great Escape Tour – unde ii va avea alaturi pe Nick Jonas si Tinashe, insa cel mai important om din seria de concerte este cel care se va ocupa de ele. Iggy lucreaza cu omul din spatele turneului Confessions al Madonnei:
“I love that tour so much,” says Iggy. “It was actually why I called up Jamie King, who’s working on the tour with me—because he left Madonna’s tour. I was like, I’ve gotta have the people that were involved in creating this. I love when the stage changes and transforms.”
Iar pentru ca totul sa fie perfect, se asigura ca e parte din fiecare proces al turneului, de la poster pana la felul in care se misca dansatorii sau cum arata scenografia. Nu e singura din industrie care procedeaza astfel, fiecare artist care se respecta are grija de de toate aspectele ce intra intr-o serie atat de mare de concerte.
Everything. Concept. Tour posters. I want everything to be right—everything, from the tour book to what someone wears. Even the right faces for the dancers, and their attitude. Everything is equally important. At the moment, I\’m just trying to work on the initial stage design and making a stage that I feel like can engage with many people in an arena that big. So I\’m doing something maybe not very traditional, and I\’m working on that. Then tour posters.
In timpul liber, Iggy Azalea se dovedeste a fi un om foarte normal: fie isi aranjeaza noua casa pe care o are cu iubitul ei, Nick Young, fie gateste pui teriyaki si se uita la televizor:
“I put so much soy sauce and chicken broth in the thing and make it so potent that nobody else could possibly enjoy it! But it’s just the way I like it.
Dupa ce albumul The New Classic a avut vanzari minore in comparatie cu succesul single-ului Fancy, labelul rapperitei a venit cu o varianta reeditata – Reclassified, care contine si doua colaborari tari. Una dintre acestea, Beg for It, un featuring cu daneza MO, a fost ales drept single de promo, insa videoclipul nu a mai filmat. Rapperita ia lucrurile din aproape in aproape, asa scopurile ei principale sunt un turneu foarte bun si un al doilea album de succes:
I just set immediate goals for myself; the only thing I\’m thinking about at the moment is having a great second album and doing a great job on my tour that I have coming up, because it’s my first arena tour. And I\’d like it to not be my last arena tour.
In interviul ei pentru GQ, aflam ca rapperita nu a fost la prea multe concerte pentru ca biletele erau scumpe:
I didn\’t get to go to too many shows when I was a kid, because they were very expensive. To buy a ticket to an arena tour that comes around was at least $100, and that’s a lot when you\’re a kid. So the first show I ever went to was 50 Cent, and I went to other rap concerts—which I was completely in awe of, but maybe not so much production-wise.