Alexandra Stan si Inna – We Wanna (videoclip nou si versuri)
Alexandra Stan si INNA au lansat videoclipul We Wanna, colaborarea mult asteptata impreuna cu Daddy Yankee.
Cele doua simpatice artiste, Alexandra Stan si Inna, au decis ca este momentul unui nou pas catre succes, de data aceasta impreuna, printr-o colaborare inedita.
Pentru prima data in peisajul muzical de la noi, doua cantarete celebre la nivel mondial se implica intr-o colaborare comuna, alaturi de un alt artist complet, cantaret, compozitor si producator deopotriva – Daddy Yankee. Portorican la origini, pe Daddy Yankee ni-l amintim datorita piesei “Gasolina”, dar si numeroaselor colaborari cu artisti de top precum Enrique Iglesias, Snoop Dogg, Nicole Scherzinger, Fergie, Akon si altii.
Videoclipul a fost filmat in Romania si in Puerto Rico si a beneficiat de multe zile de filmari. PLAY!
Alexandra Stan & INNA feat. Daddy Yankee – We Wanna [Official Video]
Privind colaborarea cu Inna, Alexandra Stan marturiseste: “INNA este un artist pe care eu il admir, iar pentru mine a fost primul role model din Romania. Este cute, degajata, super fun, plina de energie si imi place sa lucrez cu ea. Mi se pare ca noi doua suntem ca un milkshake delicios de vanilie si ciocolata, de care pur si simplu nu te mai saturi!“
La randul sau, Inna declara: Ma bucur sa colaborez cu Alexandra pe piesa “We Wanna” si cred ca impreuna vom reusi sa o ducem in fruntea topurilor. Pana atunci insa, o ascult in fiecare zi. Abia astept sa o auziti si voi! Deci, Alexandra, GO girl!
Versuri Alexandra Stan & INNA feat. Daddy Yankee – We Wanna (lyrics)
We wanna dance
Till we can\’t no more
We wanna love
With the lights down low
From Argentina to Morocco
We wanna dance
It’s about to go
It’s about to go
About to go
It’s about to go
Down in the heart of town
There’s an epidemic gone around
I get the fever when I hear that sound
I can\’t help, I gotta move right now
When I hit the drums start to play
I let my body run away
I wanna party like everyday
If you hear me, let me hear you say
Do we wanna stop it?
No way!
Do we let the cops in?
No Way!
We\’re about to rock this!
Whole place!
What do we want?
We wanna dance
Till we can\’t no more
We wanna love
With the lights down low
From Argentina to Morocco
We wanna dance
It’s about to go
It’s about to go
\’bout to go
It’s about to go
\’bout to go
It’s about to go
Down in the heart of town
There’s an epidemic gone around
I get the fever when I hear that sound
I can\’t help, I gotta move right now
When I hit the drums start to play
I let my body run away
I wanna party like everyday
If you hear me, let me hear you say
Do we wanna stop it?
No way!
Do we let the cops in?
No Way!
We\’re about to rock this!
Whole place!
What do we want?
We wanna dance
Till we can\’t no more
We wanna love
With the lights down low
From Argentina to Morocco
We wanna dance
It’s about to go
It’s about to go
\’bout to go
It’s about to go
\’bout to go
It’s about to go
Nu doar cei 3 protagonisti din lumina reflectoarelor sunt de top, ci si echipa de productie. Norvegianul Axident este un trendsetter in ceea ce priveste compozitia muzicala, el fiind autorul hiturilor precum “Wiggle” – Jason Derulo, “Burnin’ Up” – Jessie J, sau “Fireball” – Pitbull.
Jacob Luttrell a intrat in liga producatorilor importanti dupa ce piesa “Tonight (I’m Lovin’ You)” a lui Enrique Iglesias a ajuns pe primele locuri in topuri. Imediat dupa aceasta, artisti precum David Guetta si Timbaland au vrut piese scrise de el.
Thomas Troelsen, producatorul danez care are in portfoliu numerosi artisti de succes precum Pitbull, Flo Rida, Robin Thicke sau Chris Brown, si-a pus amprenta anul trecut asupra hitului “We Are One (Ole Ola)”- cu Pitbull si Jennifer Lopez, piesa care a fost imnul oficial al Campionatului Mondial de Fotbal din Brazilia.
Colaborarea e exploziva si vine imediat dupa ce Inna a bifat un nou no.1 in Romania: DIGGY DOWN. Pentru Alexandra, e un pas inainte mai ales ca a lipsit din topuri de la relansare.
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