Rita Ora – Proud (piesa noua)
Rita Ora este vocea unei nou campanii cu un brand de vodka, menita sa uneasca vocile celor care vor schimbare si care au curajul sa lupte pentru aceasta. Proud este rezultatul acestui proiect in care fanii au fost invitati sa isi trimita povestile.
“I felt like it was an obvious but amazing word. I definitely got inspired by every single person’s story, and I tried to blend it together – the journey and the struggle of [getting] the win at the end.” “Also, just as a little girl growing up in Kosovo and refugeeing from Kosovo to the U.K. and starting a new life with incredible schools, having the chance to have my dreams come true thanks to my parents. It ends up being about everything – the industry, being a woman right now, having the ability to speak out and be heard.”
Rita Ora are un an foarte plin. Deja piesa inclusa pe coloana sonora a filmului Fifty Shades Freed, un featuring cu Liam Payne, a inceput sa prinda, dar mai are si lansarea celui de-al doilea album de studio. Primele doua single-uri au reusit sa o aduca in topuri, Your Song si Anywhere au ajuns inclusiv la noi, plus ca a bifat un featuring cu Avicii pentru Lonely Together.
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