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Coldplay – Amazing Day (piesa noua & versuri)

Trupa Coldplay se pregateste de lansarea unui nou album, iar in weekend au prezentat in premiera o noua piesa numita Amazing Day.


Britanicii au cantat sambata in Central Park din New York in cadrul Global Citizen Festival alaturi de Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, Pearl Jam si Ariana Grande.

Noua piesa, Amazing Day, a fost prezentata in premiera live si a fost foarte bine primita de comunitatea de fani Coldplay din intreaga lume. E posibil ca acesta sa fie primul single de pe noul lor album.

Coldplay  – Amazing Day
– versuri/lyrics –

Sat on a roof
Named every star
Shed every bruise and
Showed every scar

Sat on a roof
Your hand in mine, singing
“Life has a beautiful, crazy design”
And time seemed to say
“Forget the world and all its weight”
And here I just wanna stay

Amazing day x2

Sat on a roof
Named every star and
Showed me a place
Where you can be who you are

And the view
The whole Milky Way
In your eyes
I’m drifting away
And in your arms
I just wanna sway

Amazing day x4

And I asked every book
Poetry and chime
“Can there be breaks
In the chaos of times?”
Oh, thanks God
You must’ve heard when I prayed
Because now I always
Want to feel this way

Amazing day x4

A Head Full of Dreams este titlul celui de-al optulea album Coldplay si se zvoneste ca se va lansa in toamna acestui an. Cel mai probabil vom afla mai multe vesti in luna octombrie.

Cum vi se pare noua piesa de la Coldplay? Asa-i ca va da si voua un sentiment de relaxare?

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