De vorba cu… Hugh Laurie
Phoenix Entertainment are onoarea de a facilita prima intalnire dintre Hugh Laurie si publicul roman. Artistul cunoscut pentru rolul din Dr.House a dat un interviu presei din Romania in care vorbeste despre muzica si despre showurile sale.
Carismaticul Doctor House din serialul cu acelasi nume isi va fermeca fanii, la Sala Palatului, cu un show inedit, intim si calduros, din care nu va lipsi umorul ironic specific, cu care ne-a obisnuit.
Actorul britanic a intrat in Cartea Recordorilor de doua ori: drept cel mai bine platit actor intr-un serial TV, dar si pentru serialul Dr. House, cel mai de succes serial TV din toate timpurile.
Hugh Laurie impreuna cu The Copper Bottom Band, va sustine un concert live, la Sala Palatului, pe 12 iulie, de la ora 20.00.
1. Most kids, at age 6 are playing ball but you were learning how to play piano, guitar, drums, harmonica and saxophone. How did you end up in this magical musical education and how did it feel when you were little?
I was playing ball too, of course, but, you know, when it gets dark… Music always felt to me like the best kind of friend or companion. A place to lose yourself, be comforted, entertained, thrilled, amazed. I just loved to sit at the piano and mess about, trying to follow the footsteps (fingersteps?) of my heroes,
2. How did the american blues and jazz influence get to you in the U.K? What was your first contact with the blues culture, the New Orleans music?
Of course there had been many other British people before me who had found their way to the bright light of New Orleans music. I certainly wasn\’t the first to tread that path. The Yardbirds, The Animals, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin – they\’d all heard and been influenced by this music long before I first put my hands on a piano.
3. I read that the album Didn\’t it Rain has an even stronger influence of the Souther US. Is it hard to sing about things that you didn\’t experience per se? How do you collect the valuable information for your music so that is genuine and more true to the roots?
I don\’t know if it’s any harder for me to sing about the American South than it is for a modern opera singer to play Carmen. What I love about these songs is that they are both specific and universal. Stories of love, and sex, and fear, and joy – these are things that don\’t only happen in the American South.
4. Can you please tell us the story of the little piano from the cover of the album.
The little piano had been given to me, and it had sat in my house for some time. I wanted something on the cover that would convey the seriousness of my love for this music, but that would also reflect a sort of playfulness too. The fun, the life of it.
5. Every kind of music has a certain role and effect on people. What is the effect of jazz on you and what do you want your audience to feel when listening to this type of music?
Jazz can have every kind of effect on me, and on everyone who hears it, hopefully. It can make me laugh, cry, dance, gasp, everything. All human life is in this music.
6. If you were asked to complete a list of 10 songs that would become the soundtrack of your life, what songs would you choose?
I\’m so bad at lists. By the time I got to the tenth on the list, I\’d want to go back and change the first five. My favourites are always changing. It would be like picking a favourite gallon of water in the sea to swim in.
7. If you could sing on the same stage with some of the legends of blues and jazz, who would you choose and why?
I wouldn\’t have to song with any of them. I\’d be happy to sit and listen while Ray Charles, or Bessie Smith, or Muddy Waters, or Professor Longhair, or any one of the hundreds of heroes took the stage,
8. Please send a message to the Romanian audience that is so excited to see you live.
I hope the Romanian audience is as excited as we are! We can\’t wait. The show is something I\’m really proud of. I hope we can make the audience feel as happy as I feel when we play these songs. See you there!
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