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Expirat 15 – Palotai (HU) / White Lies – DJ set (UK) / Phil Hartnoll (Orbital) – DJ set (UK)

Se fac 15 ani de cand ne știm și de când te știi la Expirat. Am avut și răsărituri și nopți pe care nu ți le mai aduci aminte. Și sincer, nici noi pe toate. Am bifat și concerte și evenimente „must-be-there” și am prins fumatul și înăuntru și afară. Ne știm bine, deci hai ne sărbătorim bine de tot, la final de mai, la Expirat Halele Carol. Trei nopți la rând, cu Palotai – omul-fundație al scenei maghiare de muzică electronică, White Lies – trupa britanică de post-punk într-un DJ set „open-format”, de la Bowie la LCD Soundsystem și Phil Hartnoll DJ set – jumătate din legendarul duo Orbital. Scurt pe 15: 25-26-27 mai 2017.


DAY 1 ::: PALOTAI (Tilos Radio – HU)

Joi, 25.05. 9PM

Acces: 20 lei – pre-sale / 30 lei – la intrare, în seara evenimentului

Budapest’s electronic music scene undoubtedly wouldn’t be as colourful and diverse without DJ Palotai. Renown for starting „Tilos Az Á”, the most important underground club of the early 90s in the post-communist era, he also co-founded „Tilos” in 1991, the very first independent civil radio. Palotai knows and likes all kinds of music, from classic to jazz, from world music to electronic. Since the mid-1990s, his name has been associated with one of the first representatives of Hungarian underground electronic music. Not being specialized in only one genre is one of the consequences of his habitus. His repertoire is a blend of punk, jazz, folk, afro, latin, to everything electronic. Zsolt Palotai is simply put one of the best open-format DJs that Hungary has ever produced. A community builder and founder of a new type of cultural activity, DJ Palotai can be described as godfather of a subculture growing up from illegality, and yet as a DJ he’s still in charge on every significant party line-up in Budapest.



Supporting line-up: Michi (Șuie Paparude)

– DJ set NotSoCommonDJ


DAY 2 ::: WHITE LIES – DJ set (UK)

Vineri, 26.05. 9PM

Acces: 40 lei – pre-sale / 50 lei – la intrare, în seara evenimentului

Formerly known as Fear of Flying, White Lies was formed in October 2007, after writing songs that they felt didn\’t suit their original band. After delaying their first performance for five months to build up media hype, they earned a recording contract with Fiction Records days after their debut. The release of singles „Unfinished Business” and „Death” led to tours and festival appearances in the United Kingdom and North America, including a headline performance at BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend and a place on the 2009 NME Awards Tour. White Lies haven’t so much abandoned their trademark synth-rock sound as given it a spring clean by having fun exploring new sounds. For many reasons, making „Friends” felt like a fresh start. After three albums – 2009’s chart-topping „To Lose My Life”… and its Top 5 follow-ups „Ritual” in 2011 and „Big TV” in 2013 – the trio was temporarily without a label after a bout of record company reorganisation. Rather than re-sign straight away, they decided to start „Friends” under their own steam, without the pressure of a deadline or a budget to blow. White Lies have had a great year with the release of „Friends” album and a global tour supporting this with sold out shows in every continent. As DJs they are most at home playing a house / electronic set but can also play an open format set – Prince to Bowie, LCD Soundystem to The Strokes.




Supporting line-up: to be announced



Sâmbătă, 27.05. 9PM

Acces: 40 lei – pre-sale / 50 lei – la intrare, în seara evenimentului

One of the most prominent players in the electronic music scene since its early days in the UK, Phil Hartnoll needs no introduction. As one half of the world renowned duo Orbital, Phil has helped to produce some of the most groundbreaking works in the history of electronic music. Additionally, he has established himself as a prominent solo DJ through his extensive playing over the past 10 years. Playing a mixture of styles depending on the event from house to breaks to tech-house to disco-upbeat hard fun with a splattering of remixed Orbital tracks. Phil makes a lot of eye contact with the audience and interacts with them as he plays. Phil’s passion for performing as an individual DJ as well as playing live with Orbital has served to broaden his musical scope and reach, allowing him to share his wealth of talent through multiple channels. As a DJ, he draws much inspiration from music that other producers are making, and loves searching through tunes in order to find that perfect juicy track. Phil’s DJ sets are streamlined while still maintaining unpredictability and eclecticism. While he loves to mix it up, playing old tracks and new, the message it always the same – it’s party time. He has played alongside the likes of Mark Knight, Basement Jaxx, Cristian Valera, and Marco Bailey and has previously played at legendary London clubs such as The End, Ministry of Sound, Turnmills and Fabric.


Supporting line-up: to be announced


Biletele pentru Expirat 15

– DAY 1 se pot achiziționa în pre-sale la prețul de 20 lei. Biletele se vor putea lua și de la intrare, în seara evenimentului, la prețul de 30 lei.

– DAY 2 se pot achiziționa în pre-sale la prețul de 40 lei. Biletele se vor putea lua și de la intrare, în seara evenimentului, la prețul de 50 lei.

 – DAY 3 se pot achiziționa în pre-sale la prețul de 40 lei. Biletele se vor putea lua și de la intrare, în seara evenimentului, la prețul de 50 lei.

Abonamente pentru toate cele 3 zile aniversare, disponibile în număr limitat, la prețul de 90 lei.

Biletele și abonamentele sunt disponibile via, aici:

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