Girls Aloud nu se despart

Dupa nebunia cauzata de despartirea „prematura” a celor de la Spice Girls, azi media a vuit din cauza unei noi rupturi: Sarah Harding de la Girls Aloud pleaca din trupa ca sa se lanseze solo. Se pare insa ca aceasta veste nu este adevarata. Iata ce mesaj a lasat ea pe site-ul oficial al trupei:
Hey everyone, how’s it going? I’ve just got back from an amazing holiday in Thailand to find out that I’m leaving the band! The media have been slow this year, haven’t they? There are normally rumours of us splitting much earlier in the year! Of course, I’ve got no intention of going solo. Why would I? I’m so excited about 2008. We’ve got the new single, which we filmed the video for last week, as well as the tour and a whole lot more that I can’t tell you about! Ignore the rumours, they’re never true! Thanks for all your support for 2008! Lots of Love, Sarah. Xx
Asa ca asteptam noul lor clip la melodia „Can’t Speak French” dupa ce una dintre fete, Cheryl Cole, isi revine din socul cauzat de sotul ei, Ashley Cole, care a inselat-o cu multiple femei dupa cum sustine presa britanica. 😐 Men… Aveti mai jos si melodia de care va spuneam. Sincer nu-mi prea place. Clipul o sa apara pe 17 martie iar premiera online o sa fie pe 13 martie la Yahoo.