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Interviu EVE + recenzie concert & poze


Dupa cum v-am anuntat, faimoasa cantareata EVE a concertat ieri pentru prima data in Romania, la Turabo! Cu cateva ore inainte de concert, chiar dupa ce a aterizat in Romania, a fost organizata o conferinta de presa la care am avut ocazia sa stam cateva minute de vorba cu ea.

Am luat-o pe jos pana la Howard Johnsson unde s-a tinut conferinta, fiind destul de emotionata (o ascult pe Eve de ft multi ani, iar dupa interviurile cu Nelly Furtado, Shaggy si Jay Sean, nu-mi prea venea sa cred ca voi sta de vorba si cu ea).

A venit destul de putina presa, majoritatea intrebarilor de mai jos fiind puse de mine, Delia si Alexa. Le pregatisem inca de acum ~3 saptamani, de cand fusese anuntat concertul ei din Bamboo (care insa a fost anulat cu cateva ore inainte).

Am avut putine minute la dispozitie pentru conferinta de presa, artista fiind obosita dupa ~14 ore de zbor (LA-Amsterdam-Bucuresti)… A fost insa foarte draguta si sincera, fara fitze, a raspuns la toate intrebarile noastre (pana cand asistenta ei a intrerupt conferinta). Mai tin sa spun ca arata foarte bine in realitate (m-am mirat sa aflu ca are 31 de ani! nu pare).

So, uitati ce s-a discutat cu ea (despre noul ei album si colaborarile viitoare, despre actorie, despre schimbarea casei de discuri si vanzarile digitale, despre Twitter) (nu voi traduce interviul, nu-mi place sa le traduc in general, consider ca isi pierd din sens/farmec… insa e usor de inteles):

Are you ready to party tonight? Eve: Yeah, I’m excited! I dunno what to expect…

You are very popular here in Romania… Eve: That’s why I’m excited, I’m kinda shocked. I’m happy to be here.

I think what all your fans wanna know: what’s going on with your new album? You’ve been announcing it like forever… Eve: Well, I’m off my label now, I’m a free agent and I can do the kinda music I wanna do. So, in the next couple months I’m gonna sign a new deal with a label and then, hopefully, by spring-summer it will be out. But it will be totally different, I’m off with Interscope, so… I dictate everything.

Why did you quit your label? Eve: They weren’t supporting me like I needed them to support me. I’ve been on their label for 11 years… They couldn’t get with the new me, I guess. It was the time I needed new energies, I needed to do what I wanted to do, I got tired…

What’s the new you like? Eve: Not really new me, but just like…you know… new music. I can’t go back, I’ll always be a rough rider, I’m not a little girl anymore but I just wanted to make sure I make the music, I need to make myself happy.

Do you consider record labels are important anymore, now with digital sales and everything? Eve: I actually like the way music is now with the digital sales, I can control (especially when not being on a label), I can put out a single when I wanna put out a single. It’s unfortunate for record labels, because they’re not making as much money, but I think it’s good for artists, you can make your money back. Yeah, record labels need to reinvent… Eve: They have to, but I think they’re scared to follow the new wave. They’re trying to control the Internet. Eve: But they can’t , there’s no way, it’s over. The Internet has taken over.

You’ve worked with many artists, who would you like to be next? Eve: A lot of people i wanna be next: I wanna work with Cee-Lo, Andre 3000, Canaan… a lot of good people.

What style will be the songs on your new album? Eve: I think it will be me, the kind of stuff that I do, people recognise… The only thing new I wanna do is probably play with different sounds, dubstep, like Tambourine had babies…… know what I mean? It will be related to that.

Many artists started working with DJs, have you thought about doing that? Eve: I actually met Tiesto the other night, so hopefully we’ll do something crazy, and David Guetta… He’s the hot shit right now.

Tell us more about your acting career. Eve: I did a movie come out these days with Drew Barrymore called „Whip It”, I love doing movies, but ultimately I wanna be a producer, be behind the camera, not in front of the camera. But that later, when I start having babies, getting married, whatever…

How did you celebrate your birthday? Eve: I had a karaoke cafe at my house, it was really small and nice, I think there were 20 people… we sang karaoke then we went out to the club.

Clichee question: what do you know about Romania? Eve: I don’t know anything, honestly, I know nothing about Romania! That’s why I’m glad to be here. Today I have to perform at night, but tomorrow maybe I’ll get to see a little more… I leave tomorrow night, I can’t get to see much, but I can’t wait to see the night club.

Many artists have a Twitter page, MySpace page… how do you interract with your fans? Eve: I’m horrible… seriously, I’m the worst! I’m pressured to tweet.. I’m a private person, I don’t follow anybody’s pages, but I think it’s fucking boring for someone to read: „I’m eating french fries, I’m at the restaurant, Now I’m in the car”… I want mine to be like fun! So we’ll see, I don’t know. I need to do it thought, I’m like late on that shit.

Any other details about your new album? Eve: I recorded lots of songs for my album, but now that I left my record label I’m gonna go back and do like 5 more records. I don’t know any more details yet, but I’ll make sure it will be great.

Asta a fost ultima intrebare pe care i-am putut-o adresa, artista multumindu-ne si grabindu-se sa se duca in camera ei de hotel sa se odihneasca.


La 2 noaptea am strans gasca si ne-am dus in Turabo pentru concertul ei… A cantat pe la 3, a cantat si hiturile „Who’s that girl” si „Tambourine”, ea a fost foarte tare, insa publicul a stricat tot. 🙁 Atmosfera a fost ciudata, publicul era destul de rece si nu s-a aratat prea entuziasmat (multe pitzi, multi coca)… asa ca dupa nici 20 de minute Eve a coborat brusc de pe scena si a plecat. 🙁

Colegul meu Florin zice ca:

Cred ca orice artist s-ar fi simtit ofensat daca in timpul prestatie sale, exact in primul rand, cineva si-ar plimba trabucul sau dama de companie doar pentru a fi vazut si nicidecum pentru a da atentie artistului care canta la nici un metru de el pe scena. Mi-ar fi placut sa o vad/ascult pe Eve cu un total alt public in jurul meu.

Acestea fiind spuse, va las cu pozele de la concert – care sunt foarte proaste, stiu, imi cer scuze! Din cauza ca era foarte mare inghesuiala si am stat lipita de scena, in primul rand… Astept sa vad si ce poze a facut Olix si revin cu un link de la el.

Voi ati fost la concertul de aseara? Daca da, cum vi s-a parut?

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