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Katy Perry sponsorizeaza TLC

TLC, trupa anilor 90 care a facut istorie in muzica R&B si a lansat hiturile No Scrubs, Waterfalls sau Unpretty cauta sprijinul fanilor pentru lansarea unui nou album. Cele doua componente au fost surprinse cand au vazut cine e pe lista donatorilor pentru noul lor disc.

In mai putin de 3 zile cele Chilli si T-Boz au strans cei 150 de mii de euro de care aveau nevoie pentru a incepe inregistrarile pentru un nou album si ceva peste. Katy Perry s-a numarat printre cei care a donat pe platforma Kickstarter si le-a oferit celor doua 5000 de dolari.

We owe so much of our success to you. Your loyalty and support throughout the past 20 years motivates us to do our best work, au scris TLC pe pagina lor de crowdfunding.

Without you, we wouldn\’t have ten Top 10 singles and four number 1 singles. We wouldn\’t have won five Grammy awards or sold 65 million records worldwide. Without you, we wouldn\’t have become the most successful girl group of all time! Without you there would be no TLC!!

Chiar daca in 2002 Lisa Left EyeLopez a murit intr-un accident de masina, TLC nu s-a destramat oficial in toti acesti ani, iar ultimul lor album a fost lansat in urma cu 13 ani. Fetele au revenit si au promis un material nou, primid sprijin atat din partea fanilor care le-au ascultat muzica, dar si din partea unor oameni din industrie ca New Kids on the Block, Soulja Boy, Bette Middler si multi altii.

Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for our fans for all of their amazing support. We feel so blessed to know that not only do our fans love us, but they believe in us, the group said in a statement to PEOPLE. We have received support from longtime listeners that attended our first concerts, plus new fans who have only just started listening. We were also so humbled by the outpour of support from other artists like Katy Perry, New Kids on the Block, Dev Hynes, Russell Simmons, Soulja Boy, Bette Midler and more!

TLC au aparut din nou in lumina reflectoarelor ca artisti invitati pe piesa Crooked Smile a lui J. Cole, extrasa de pe albumul Born Sinner. In plus, au venit si cu un nou track care s-a regasit pe filmul biografic, Meant to Be fiind o productie semnata de Ne-Yo.

Ce ziceti, ati vrea sa le ascultati din nou pe TLc?


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