Midem Net 2009: Analyst Sessions: Voice of the fans

Credit poza: Monden.info . Mai multe poze pe Flikr.
MIDEM (=Marché International du Disque et de l’Edition Musicale) este cel mai mare festival de muzica din lume, din 1967 se tine anual la Cannes. Monden.info este singurul blog romanesc acreditat in acest an (de fapt, sunt singura jurnalista din Romania care a primit acreditare de presa… uimitor dezinteresul jurnalistilor de muzica din Romania fata de acest eveniment).
Midem incepe pe 19 ianuarie, si este precedat de Midem Net: 2 zile de conferinte despre muzica in online (Music Business in the Digital Age). MidemNet a implinit in 2009 10 ani de cand se tine. Multe dintre lucrurile care s-au discutat aici legate de promovarea si monetizarea artistilor online le tot scriu in editorialele de pe Monden.info de mai bine de un an, poate insa in 2009 vor fi luate in seama de casele de discuri si artistii romani… Desi la MidemNET nu a venit nimeni de la casele de discuri romanesti (vin de abia maine, cand incepe MIDEM). Poate ii ajuta ce am scris mai jos 😉
Analyst session: Voice of the fans – learn from an exclusive fans survey
Tim Walker: co-founder & managing director ‚The Leading Questions’
Mai jos puteti gasi un sondaj prezentat in exclusivitate, referitor la fani, muzica / artisti online. Casele de discuri in special ar trebui sa arunce un ochi pe el si, eventual, sa se si foloseasca de datele prezentate aici. Desi cred ca asta se va intampla de abia peste 10 ani 🙁 Arata cat de important e pentru un artist sa aiba un website oficial complet si bine optimizat pentru motoarele de cautare, un cont de MySpace si Facebook, un canal de YouTube… Arata ce isi doresc fanii de la artisti, pe ce ar da bani si pe ce nu. Partea cea mai interesanta, legata de piraterie si muzica online: majoritatea prefera serviciile de online streaming. De asemenea, ISP-urile (providerii de Internet) joaca un rol foarte important in ceea ce priveste industria muzicala online. Mai departe va las sa va uitati peste rezultatele sondajului.
Sunt foarte curioasa de parerile voastre: care dintre aceste date NU sunt valabile in Romania?
How are fans keeping informed on their favorite artist:
Artists website: 68%
Email updates: 64%
MySpace: 51%
Google search: 40%
YouTube: 39%
Facebook: 28&
Other: 15%
Artist blog: 10%
Mobile Phone: 5%
Bebo: 4%
Artist Merchandise:
Buy an artist’s clothing: 55% occasionally, 29% never, 14% regularly
Buy a live tour DVD: 51% occasionally, 31% never, 20% regularly
Buy ringtones, wallpaper etc via mobile: 20% occasionally, 72% never, 4% regularly
Buy ther merchandise, poster: 41% occasionally, 72% never, 4% regularly
Virtual merchandising: 87% never
Interest in artists based subscription models: Depends on cost (+50%)
What fans want from an artist subscription models:
– exclusive unreleased mp3: 50%
– half price concert tickets: 42%
– priority access tour tickets: 38%
– artists & fan weekend get-aways
– private gigs with other fans
Death of the album greatly exaggerated?
Yes: 1 song each time is fine: 1-2%
Yes: but I would like to see short albums (2-5 songs) each time: 6(UK)-14%(France)
No: I Like albums: 84-90%
Are you worried about being caught for filesharing?
9%(UK&US)-17%(France): YES
16%(UK)-26%(Us): NO
60% (France)-73%(UK): I don’t do filesharing
If you received a letter from your ISP warning about file sharing would you stop?
53%-67%: yeS
9-14%: NO
25-33%: Maybe
If you were threatened with your broadband being shut off would u stop filesharing?
62%-79%: YES –> more effective
Digital behaviour:
43% use streaming services: (YouTube, MySpace, Last FM, Imeem, Deezer)
40%: Paid PC track downloaders
29%: None of these
19%: Paid PC album downloaders:
4%: Mobile OTA downloaders:
3%: Digital Music Subscribers
Which of the following would you prefer to get your music provided by?
30-51%: broadband/ISP provider
4-8%: mobile phone network
2-5%: mobile handset manufacturer
7-11&: cable / satellite TV provider
32-41%: none
Preferred unlimited music download service:
Phone/PC Based service from mobile network: 4-8%
Phone/PC based service from mobile handset manufacturer: 2%
Annual uppfront PC based subscription: 31-45%
Free from ISP mobile network, but tied to that provider: 32-41%
Rental based subscription (MusicStation, Napster): 11-19%
Photo Credit: Midem.com