Midem Net 2009: Lessons for today & tomorrow

Credit poza: Monden.info . Mai multe poze pe Flikr.
MIDEM (=Marché International du Disque et de l’Edition Musicale) este cel mai mare festival de muzica din lume, din 1967 se tine anual la Cannes. Monden.info este singurul blog romanesc acreditat in acest an (de fapt, sunt singura jurnalista din Romania care a primit acreditare de presa… uimitor dezinteresul jurnalistilor de muzica din Romania fata de acest eveniment).
Midem incepe pe 19 ianuarie, si este precedat de Midem Net: 2 zile de conferinte despre muzica in online (Music Business in the Digital Age). MidemNet a implinit in 2009 10 ani de cand se tine. Multe dintre lucrurile care s-au discutat aici legate de promovarea si monetizarea artistilor online le tot scriu in editorialele de pe Monden.info de mai bine de un an, poate insa in 2009 vor fi luate in seama de casele de discuri si artistii romani… Desi la MidemNET nu a venit nimeni de la casele de discuri romanesti (vin de abia maine, cand incepe MIDEM). Poate ii ajuta ce am scris mai jos 😉
Ted Cohen – managing partner TAG strategic a deschis sesiunea de conferinte din acest an. A declarat ca:
– Online-ul este dominat de ad-supported music (Last FM, Imeem, YouTube)
– ‘E nevoie de mai multa inovatie, experienta, comunicare, colaborari de durata, parteneriate care sa functioneaza, mai multe fonduri…‘
Opening Debate: Lessons for today & tomorrow
Ian ROGERS – CEO TopSpin
Eric Nicoli – Chairman Vue Entertainment and R&R Music
Michael Robertson – CEO Mp3tunes (Online – via Kyte)
Ceea ce au discutat (imi cer scuze pentru cei care nu inteleg Engleza, am lasat exact citatele lor):
– ‚The industry is not in decline, publishers are doing great, but it is the lowest sale of recorded music.’
Despre Napster:
– ‚Sueing Napster clearly was’t the answer. Fans wanted to consume music digital, how are you going to solve that? Shutting down Napster was stupid. It’s not gonna get away, why not talk about other better services to build? The record labels were focusing on controling the market instead of music experience… It wasn’t about music, it was about technology.’
– ‚Shutting down Napster was just like having a house with 6 doors and locking only one door.’
Despre cele mai mari greseli facute in ultimii 10 ani:
– ‚Esentially technophobic. When digital opportunities appeared, instead of taking advantage of it, it increased piracy (online & physical). The absence of collaboration on digital was the big problem, the funding of other mistakes. The labels wanted to control the digital, to be the gatekeepers, it was no collaboration because of that.’
– ‘No support from the industry for mp3.com . Not everybody was excited about digital music, so mp3tunes.com got sued by the big labels. EMI is trying to shut them down.’
– ‚The industry is sueing the new technology and so looses the opportunities.’
Despre cum vor fi urmatorii 10 ani:
– ‚It won’t be an Apple dominated decade, some new services will rise.’
– ‚There are too many people that want to keep a tight wrist to keep people from interacting with music.’
– ‚Exeedingly challenge. Mobile and online communities are going to play a major role in the future.’
– ‚DRM coming off is a big part of it, huge for inovation.’
– ‚It’s a lack of innovation right now. Digital music space is not attractive, we have to create an environment, particularly major labels need to create one, the industry really needs it.’
– ‚The inovation is not coming from the commercial companies… The inovation is coming from the dark side of the Internet: the pirates, the underground. That shows where the industry should go.’
– ‚Why can’t I buy something? I can get it online for free, but I can’t buy it, so I’m stealing it… Consumers should be given more opportunities!’
– ‚The industry is becoming very technologic, not focusing on music itself anymore.If the content isn’t compelling, than it doesn’t matter how cheap it is and how we distribute it! Artists should be motivated to create wonderful content by creating a good environment for them.’
Photo Credit: Midem.com