Nominalizari Premiile BAFTA 2024. Oppenheimer are 13 nominalizari, Poor Things are 11 iar Killers of the Flower Moon si The Zone of Interest au cate 9 nominalizari.

Academia Britanica de Film si Televiziune a anuntat nominalizarile pentru premiile BAFTA 2024. Anuntul a fost facut de actorii Naomi Ackie si Kingsley Ben-Adir care au fost anterior nominalizati in cadrul sectiunii BAFTA Rising Star, singura categorie in care publicul larg are dreptul sa voteze.
Favoritii pentru cea de-a 77-a editie a celor mai prestigioase premii oferite de industria cinematografica britanica sunt Oppenheimer al lui Christopher Nolan cu 13 nominalizari, urmat de Poor Things al lui Yorgos Lanthimos cu 11 nominalizari. Cele doua pelicule sunt nominalizate la cele mai importante categorii: cel mai bun film, cel mai bun regizor, actorie, imagine si sunet.
Oppenheimer domina categoriile dedicate actoriei cu trei nominalizari pentru Cillian Murphy in rol principal si Emily Blunt si Robert Downey Jr. pentru roluri secundare.
Lista nominalizarilor este dominata in continuare de Killers of the Flower Moon al lui Martin Scorsese si The Zone of Interest al lui Jonathan Glazer cu noua nominalizari fiecare.
In lista favoritilor, The Holdovers si Maestro au primit cate sapte nominalizari in timp ce All of Us Strangers are sase nominalizari, inclusiv cei mai bun actori in roluri secundare pentru Claire Foy si Paul Mescal.
In timp ce sezonul premiilor — care a inceput cu Globurile de Aur si va culmina cu premiile Oscar — pare sa fie complet dominat de Oppenheimer, singura surpriza a nominalizarilor BAFTA 2024 este lipsa filmului Barbie din categoriile cel mai bun film si cel mai bun regizor. Tinand cont de faptul ca a fost lungmetrajul cu cele mai mari incasari ale anului trecut, era de asteptat sa fie recunoscuta munca regizoarei Greta Gerwig.
Astfel, Barbie are 5 nominalizari, la fel ca Salburn care a primit mentiuni pentru prestatiile actorilor Barry Keoghan, Rosamund Pike si Jacob Elordi.
Ceremonia de decernare a premiilor BAFTA 2024 va avea loc pe 18 februarie la Royal Festival Hall din cadrul Centrului Southbank din Londra si va gazduita pentru prima data de David Tennant.
Inaintea anuntului nominalizarilor pentru gala de anul acesta, lista lunga a filmelor inscrise in competitie si aprobate de Academia Britanica de Film si Televiziune era dominata de lungmetrajele Barbie, Killers of the Flower Moon si Oppenheimer cu cate 15 mentiuni fiecare, alaturi de Poor Things si Maestro cu 14, respectiv mentiuni.
Cel mai bun film
Anatomy of a Fall
The Holdovers
Killers of the Flower Moon
Poor Things
Cel mai bun regizor
Andrew Haigh, All of Us Strangers
Justine Triet, Anatomy of a Fall
Alexander Payne, The Holdovers
Bradley Cooper, Maestro
Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer
Jonathan Glazer, The Zone of Interest
Cel mai bun actor in rol principal
Bradley Cooper, Maestro
Colman Domingo, Rustin
Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers
Barry Keoghan, Saltburn
Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer
Teo Yoo, Past Lives
Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal
Sandra Huller, Anatomy of a Fall
Fantasia Barrino, The Color Purple
Carey Mulligan, Maestro
Vivian Oparah, Rye Lane
Margot Robbie, Barbie
Emma Stone, Poor Things
Cel mai bun actor intr-un rol secundar
Robert De Niro, Killers of the Flower Moon
Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer
Jacob Elordi, Salburn
Ryan Gosling, Barbie
Paul Mescal, All of Us Strangers
Dominic Sessa, The Holdovers
Cea mai buna actrita intr-un rol secundar
Emily Blunt, Oppenheimer
Danielle Brooks, The Color Purple
Claire Foy, All of Us Strangers
Sandra Huller, The Zone of Interest
Rosamund Pike, Salburn
Da’vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers
Cel mai bun scenariu original
Justine Triet, Arthur Harari – Anatomy of a Fall
Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach – Barbie
David Hemingson – The Holdovers
Bradley Cooper, Josh Singer – Maestro
Celine Song – Past Lives
Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat
Andrew Haigh – All of Us Strangers
Cord Jefferson – American Fiction
Christopher Nolan – Oppenheimer
Jonathan Glazer – The Zone of Interest
Tony McNamara – Poor Things
Cel mai bun film de animatie
The Boy and The Heron
Chicken Run: Dawn of The Nugget
Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse
Cel mai bun documentar
20 Days in Mariupol
American Symphony
Beyond Utopia
Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie
Cel mai bun film strain
20 Days in Mariupol
Past Lives
Society of the snow
The Zone of Interest
Cel mai bun casting
All of Us Strangers
Anatomy of a fall
The Holdovers
How to have sex
Killers of the Flower Moon
Cea mai buna imagine
Rodrigo Prieto, Killers of the Flower Moon
Matthew Libatique, Maestro
Hoyte van Hoytema, Oppenheimer
Robbie Ryan, Poor Things
Lukasz Zal, The Zone of Interest
Cel mai bune costume
Jacqueline Durant – Barbie
Jacqueline West – Killers of the Flower Moon
Janty Yates, Dave Crossman – Napoleon
Ellen Mirojnick – Oppenheimer
Holly Waddington – Poor Things
Cea mai buna scenografie
Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer – Barbie
Jack Fisk, Adam Willis – Killers of the Flower Moon
Ruth De Jong, Claire Kaufman – Oppenheimer
Shona Heath, James Price, Zsuzsa Mihalek – Poor Things
Chris Oddy, Joanna Maria Kuś, Katarzyna Sikora – The Zone of Interest
Cel mai bun montaj
Laurent Sénéchal, Anatomy of a Fall
Thelma Schoonmaker, Killers of the Flower Moon
Jennifer Lame, Oppenheimer
Yorgos Mavropsaridis, Poor Things
Paul Watts, The Zone of Interest
Cel mai bun machiaj si coafura
Kay Georgiou, Thomas Nellen – Killers of the Flower Moon
Sian Grigg, Kay Georgiou, Karu Hiro, Lori McCoy-Bell – Maestro
Jana Carboni, Francesco Pegoretti, Satinder Chumber, Julia Vernon – Napoleon
Luisa Abel, Jaime Leigh McIntosh, Jason Hamer, Ahou Mofid – Oppenheimer
Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier, Josh West – Poor Things
Cea mai buna coloana sonora
Robbie Robertson – Killers of the Flower Moon
Ludwig Göransson – Oppenheimer
Jerskin Fendrix – Poor Things
Anthony Willis – Saltburn
Daniel Pemberton – Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse
Cel mai bun sunet
Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1
The Zone of Interest
Cele mai bune efecte vizuale
The Creator
Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3
Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1
Poor Things
Cel mai bun film britanic
All of Us Strangers
How To Have Sex
The Old Oak
Poor Things
Rye Lane
The Zone of Interest
Cel mai bun debut al unui scenarist, regizor sau producator britanic
Lisa Selby, Rebecca Lloyd Evans, Alex Fry, Blue Bag Life
Christopher Sharp, Bobi Wine: The People’s President
Savannah Leaf, Shirley O’Connor, Medb Riordan, Earth Mama
Ella Glendining, Is There Anybody Out There?
Molly Manning Walker, How to Have Sex
Cel mai bun scurtmetraj de animatie britanic
Crab Day
Visible Mending
Wild Summon
Cel mai bun scurtmetraj britanic
Festival of Slaps
Such a lovely day
Jellyfish and lobster
EE Rising Star Award
Phoebe Dynevor
Ayo Edebiri
Jacob Elordi
Mia McKenna-Bruce
Sophie Wilde