Summer of Punk IV in Underworld Club!
Summer Of Punk IV are loc in Underworld Club din Bucuresti pe 7 si 8 iulie 2012 si propune doua zile de punk-rock cu The Argies, No Man’s Band, Raizing Hell, The Nuggers, Joey Briggs, The Forum Walters, The Liberation Service, si Anomalii. Un line-up ce reuneste trupe din SUA, Australia, Austria si bineinteles din Romania, din Timisoara si Bucuresti!
UPDATE: revenim cu alte informatii despre acest eveniment
Festivalul SUMMER OF PUNK, cel mai tare festival de punk rock din Bucuresti, a ajuns la cea de-a patra editie!Anul acesta, pe scena clubului Underworld vor urca, pe parcursul a doua zile, nume cunoscute ale scenei punk rock, ska punk, horror-punk si folk-punk de pe trei continente (America de Sud, America de Nord si Europa).Astfel, sambata 7 iulie ii puteti vedea pe cei de la THE ARGIES (Legendary Punks, Argentina), trupa infiintata in 1984, a carei muzica, desi nascuta din influentele punk-ului britanic din anii \’70, afiseaza azi influente ska, reggae, dub, rock\’n\’roll si chiar cateva ritmuri latino. Numele lor, provenit din termenul peiorativ folosit de presa englezeasca pentru argentinieni in 1982, conecteaza membrii trupei, care se autonumesc internationalisti, cu toate minoritatile nationale si, in general cu oamenii marginalizati din intreaga lume, muzica lor avand un puternic mesaj politic. Trupa a concertat in 33 de tari, avand la activ pe 600 de reprezentatii in toata lumea.Alaturi de ei vor canta trupele romanesti RAIZING HELL(horror-punk / punk\’n\’roll, Bucuresti) inspirati de nuvele si filme horror, sau in general de orice lucru spooky, THE NUGGERS (garage punk, Bucharest), trupa nascuta din pasiunea artistului grafitti Sinboy si a prietenilor sai pentru rock\’n\’roll si bautura, si JUST ANOTHER LIE (ska punk, Bucuresti), o trupa tanara si plina de entuziasm ce doreste sa-si inscrie numele in randul reprezentantilor genurilor punk si ska de la noi.Duminica, 8 iulie, ii avem ca invitati pe JOEY BRIGGS, solistul cunoscutei trupe The Briggs (punk rock, California), care de curand a lansat primul album folk-punk solo, THE FORUM WALTERS (punk rock, Austria), cu un mix de punk, reggae si ska, THE LIBERATION SERVICE (folk-punk, Austria), un colaj muzical de stiluri apartinand fiecaruia din cei cinci membri, exprimand puternice atitudini politice si ANOMALII (punk rock, Bucuresti), o tanara trupa ce canta despre probleme sociale, politice, betii si alte stari de euforie.Intrarea este 15 lei pe seara.Asadar, va asteptam cu muzica foarte tare, bere rece si chef de distractie!SAMBATA, 7 iulie:THE ARGIES (Legendary Punks,Argentina)RAIZING HELL (Horror-Punk/Punk Rock, Bucharest)THE NUGGERS (Punk\’n\’Roll, Bucuresti)JUST ANOTHER LIE (Ska Punk, Bucuresti)DUMINICA, 8 iulie:JOEY BRIGGS (Folk-Punk, USA)THE FORUM WALTERS (Punk Rock, Austria)THE LIBERATION SERVICE (Folk-Punk, Austria)ANOMALII (Punk Rock, Bucharest)
Iata mai jos programul festivalului, pe zile, cu cateva detalii despre trupe primite de la organizatori plus cate un videoclip ilustrativ, pentru cateva din trupe, asta fiind alegerea mea.
Sambata, 7 iulie:
THE ARGIES (Legendary Punks, Argentina)
Since their formation in 1984, Argies have stood out due to their libertarian poetry, the power of their music and the understanding and coherence of their political attitude. Even though their roots can be found in the British Punk from the seventies, nowadays their music witnesses influences from ska, reggae, dub and good part of rock’n’roll elements and Latin rhythms. The name Argies derives from the English pejorative term for Argentinean which was most popularly used by the British yellow press during the Falkland War in 1982. Far from being nationalists, their name connects the band, the members of which define themselves as internationalists, with debased minorities and marginalized people worldwide. Over the years, the band’s particular method of making music has made Argies a truly independent cultural movement.
NO MAN\’S BAND (Punk Rock, Timisoara)
No man’s band is a punk-rock band with hardcore and ska influences from Timisoara, Romania. It was formed in 2003. Their lyrics are about the problems they encounter in our everyday life such as sexism, racism, extremism, corporate policies, but also about other personal experiences; they are written in both Romanian and English and sung by all three members. From 2003 until present times NMB included : Arthur (guitar and vocals), Oana (bass and vocals), Richie (drums and screaming), Florutz (vocals; 2004-2005) and Vladutz (guitar and vocals; 2003).
RAIZING HELL (Horror-Punk/Punk Rock, Bucuresti)
Raizing Hell is a horror-punk/punk\’n\’roll band formed in the autumn of 2010. Their main influences derive from bands such as Motorhead, The Plasmatics, WOW, Misfits, Demented Are Go,Horrorpops, Meteors and many others,from horror movies and novels, and basically from everything grim,spooky and horror.They started touring Bucharest in the fall of 2011, sharing the stage with bands such as The Silver Shine,Tazmanian Devils,Fancy Dolls, Niste Baieti, The Dead Ceausescus and Insect Politics. Their first EP, Psychoholics Anonymous was released in December 2011,when they also started a national tour in order to promote it. Ever since the autumn of 2011they are wrecking on all the stages they can find, anytime,anywhere,anyplace.
THE NUGGERS (Punk\’n\’Roll, Bucuresti)
Duminica, 8 iulie:
Joey Briggs is the one of the co-founders of punk rock band, the Briggs. He recently released his first solo folk-punk LP, Politics, Touring and Self-Loathing.The Briggs are a punk rock band based out of Los Angeles, California. The Band Formed in 1999 under the name I Decline by brothers Joey and Jason LaRocca and bassist Matthew Stolarz (a.k.a. Duck). In 2001, with the addition of drummer Chris Arredondo (a.k.a. Chris X) the band adopted the name The Briggs. Since the band started touring, they have shared the stage with the likes of Dropkick Murphys, Bad Religion, Anti-Flag, and Flogging Molly. The Briggs released their fourth full length titled Come All You Madmen on SideOneDummy Records on June 17, 2008. Their song This is LA is played as part of the introduction for the Los Angeles Galaxy and the Los Angeles Kings at all of their home games. Their song Harder To Stand from the album Back to Higher Ground was featured in the soundtrack to the film Big Stan (2008).
THE FORUM WALTERS (Punk Rock, Austria)
Starting as an idea of two friends to get girls and free booze years ago, the Forum Walters rapidly developed into something more important than that. With their mix of Punk, Reggae and Ska the Austrian fourpiece played everything from basement shows to festivals all over Europe and the United States.After two released LPs, several European and US tours and over 200 shows they shared the stage with bands as Dropkick Murphy’s, Swingin\’ Utters, Bouncing Souls, Anti-Nowhere League, Street Dogs, Mad Sin, the Business, etc.
THE LIBERATION SERVICE are a folky Punkrock 5-piece from southern Austria. Formed in late 2009, they soon played their first shows and got quite around already. Each of them brought his/ her own musical experience into the band to combine all different influences in this project.Expect some folky tunes in the vein of early Against Me! or Frank Turner and some rockier and punkier stuff as well, always accompanied by some heart-shaking sing-along phrases and well expressed political punkrock-attitude statements.If you have the chance to, go and check them out live, since they are a blast.– Laserlife Records
ANOMALII (Punk Rock, Bucuresti)
The band got together in 2010, when Mike and Florin thought of bringing their highschool dreams to life, starting to play the bass and the drums. They found a guitar player and they started working, getting 4 songs out. In the autumn of the same year, the guitar player was changed, and in the new formula they had their first gig, on 1st of june 2011. Now, the band consists of Mike – Bass and voice, Mitzu – Solo Guitar and voice, Bogdan – quitar, and Razvan – drums.
Concertele Summer OF Punk IV vor incepe in fiecare seara la ora 20 iar pretul unui bilet e de 15 lei/zi.
Underworld Club propune Summer of Punk IV un eveniment care aduce la Bucuresti pe 7 si 8 iulie 2012 cateva nume interesante din muzica punk din intreaga lume putem spune.
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